Is It True That Eating Egg Yolks Can Make Your Cholesterol Go Up?
Jakarta, the egg is one of the foods with the best source of nutrition for the body. In addition to the rich in protein and fat, the eggs also contain different types of vitamins and essential minerals. However, people often assume that egg consumption should only be laid only and avoid consuming part because its risky makes blood cholesterol rises. Recognized by the nutritionist Jansen Ongko, MSc, RD that nowadays are still many people who avoid eggs, especially egg yolks, because the content of cholesterol. In fact, the research just shows rising cholesterol levels while consuming eggs is HDL (High Desity Lipoprotein) aka good cholesterol. HDL is the protein in blood plasma that repair damage and reduce the cholesterol from the body. HDL transports cholesterol from body tissue to the liver to be discarded (in bile). Therefore, HDL was also popular as the good cholesterol. Even the fact that the higher the HDL cholesterol levels in the blood, the lower the risk of coronary artery disease in people. The effect is different compared to the effects of consuming trans fats contained in fried foods that can increase your LDL (Low-density Lipoprotein Densisty-red), said Jansen to. Read also: lots of Eating Yam bean Make Skin white, Hoax or Not? However, he was sent to an already troubled with heart health then obliged to be aware of the level of consumption of egg yolks because on average one egg contains 186 mg cholesterol or 62 percent of the recommended requirements in have a health problem of the heart. But if it doesn't have those problems, it doesn't matter if You consume the yolk occasionally. The egg contains 11 types of vitamins and minerals, lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega 3 fatty acids. Not only on the white part, egg yolks also contain nutrients that are very good for health. Egg yolks are high in vitamin K are only slightly contained in fruit and vegetables. Vitamin K is needed for strength and bone density and help prevent osteoporosis. Not only that, the content of kolin in egg yolk is beneficial to enhancing the ability of the brain, prevent alzheimer's, cardiovascular function and can provide a pressing risk of heart disease, imbuh Jansen. Read also: eat Sprouts Make Sperm Tokcer, true Do Not Ya? (ajg/vit) kopi hijau untuk diet
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