Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Factores genéticos influyen en los riesgos de anormalidades endocrinas, prevenlo

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Factores genéticos influyen en los riesgos de anormalidades endocrinas, prevenlo


Yakarta, el sistema endocrino es un grupo de órganos cuya función principal es producir y liberar hormonas para mantener el equilibrio metabólico del cuerpo. Por lo tanto, el sistema endocrino siempre debe mantenerse en buenas condiciones. De acuerdo con el dr. Indra Wijaya, Sp.PD, M. Kes, especialista en medicina interna, es en realidad un sistema endocrino en cada ser humano que siempre está funcionando bien, pero a veces hay ciertas condiciones, como factores genéticos y factores ambientales que pueden alterar el sistema endocrino. . Eso es difícil. Entonces, ¿por qué si alguien en la familia sufre de enfermedad de la tiroides, la descendencia tiene un riesgo de enfermedad de la tiroides, si hay alguien tiene diabetes entonces la descendencia corre el riesgo de desarrollar diabetes, dijo el dr. Indra Wijaya, Sp.PD, M.Kes al hablar con detikHealth en Yakarta. Hablando de estos médicos con gafas, aunque no se pueden evitar los factores hereditarios, pero las buenas noticias son que hay varios factores de riesgo que se pueden prevenir con un estilo de vida saludable. Lea también: Hormonas, tumores hipotiroideos y trastornos genéticos pueden desencadenar enanismo Al obtener la información de salud correcta, manteniendo un peso y un estilo de vida saludables, se espera que la enfermedad se evite. Indra con optimismo. En realidad, agrega dr. Indra, una dieta o dieta saludable se aplica a toda prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades. Esto significa comer alimentos saludables mediante la reducción de alimentos fritos, leche de coco, acompañado de consumo de verduras y frutas para satisfacer las necesidades de fibra y vitaminas. Comer también no tiene demasiado alto en calorías, alto contenido de grasa. Una dieta equilibrada. También puede evitar que nuestros cuerpos ataquen enfermedades y también para la curación, dijo el Dr. Indra. Lea también: No subestime estos síntomas, puede tratarse de trastornos de la tiroides (hrn / up)



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Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

Chemotherapy and Hair Loss Associations As Aldi Taher Experienced

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Chemotherapy and Hair Loss Associations As Aldi Taher Experienced


When someone is diagnosed with cancer, cancer treatment of chemotherapy can cause side effects of hair loss. In fact, in some patients their hair is not only falling out and thinning, but also runs out until his head bare.As experienced by actress Yana Zein who suffered from stage 4 breast cancer. During treatment, Yana suffered hair loss to make his head placos alias bald.Pesinetron , Aldi Taher who had cancer of lymph nodes also had to undergo chemotherapy. One of the effects experienced by Aldi's hair that was thick now began to fall out and thinner. Aldi Aldi's thick hair. If there is a shower already ya ya fall out. The doctor said there is an effect of the fifth or sixth chemo, there is also not get the effect. Aldi already sincerity even if later fall out until bald after the sixth chemo since Aldi from the fitting was diagnosed with cancer was also sincere, said Aldi as reported detikHot.Soal hair loss as one of the effects of chemotherapy, how the mechanism so that this happens? Quoted from Mayo Clinic, chemotherapy drugs are powerful drugs to attack cancer cells that are growing rapidly. Unfortunately, this drug also attacks the cells that grow rapidly in the body, including hair roots. Not only in the head, chemotherapy can also cause hair loss in other body parts such as eyelashes, eyebrows, armpits, and pubic hair. Mentioned, some chemo drugs can cause hair loss until thinning while other types of drugs can cause hair loss until baldness. Hair will start to fall two to four weeks after chemotherapy begins. Loss can occur little by little or directly in large quantities. So, no wonder patients get hair loss in the pillow, comb, or filter dirt in the sink or bathroom. Read also: Photo of Children with Rare Cancer After Going Chemotherapy It Made TerunyuhDelip from Cancer Research UK, hair loss due to side effects of chemotherapy can grow back. Usually, a few weeks and even months after chemotherapy, hair has begun to grow. Generally, hair grows softer with different colors and more curly. Usually, within 4 to 6 months after treatment is over, you already have new hair with good condition, write Cancer Research UK. To avoid hair loss due to chemotherapy, is there any prevention possible to do? Mayo Clinic writes that scalp hypothermia or cryotherapy can be used where during chemotherapy, there are ice packs or similar devices placed in the head to slow blood flow to the scalp. This way, chemo drugs tend not to have an effect on the hair. However, studies show this procedure also poses a risk of cancer cells in the head area because the blood does not get the doses of chemo drugs that should be. Meanwhile, minoxidil is used as a hair loss remedy can also be given in order to accelerate the re-growth of hair loss. But, use it under the supervision of a doctor. Hair loss can make patients sad, frustrated, even depressed. For that, the info to family members until they can support is important to do. Especially in children so they are ready to see changes in family members, says Carrie Panzer, social worker at Memorial Sloan Kettering. If hair loss makes you really frustrated and even depressed, Panzer says there's no harm in you doing counseling with professionals. Or, just sharing with friends or family about your feelings it also has helped. Read also: Cancer Patients Do not be afraid ChemotherapyTerkait baldness due to hair that often fall out, can be seen explanation of the doctor in this Healthy Discussion video yes (rdn / vit)