Hope you to lose weight will not be achieved if the sports activities not included in the list of ways to achieve it. However, how long the duration of the appropriate exercise to lose weight quickly dropped? To maintain the health of our recommended aerobic exercise (walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc.) at least 5 times a week with each session at least 30 minutes. The target is 150 minutes in 7 day.If goal to lose weight, in a recent study revealed you take twice that of those recommendations. In other words, you need to exercise 300 minutes a week. Research conducted in women with menopause (menopause women's weight did tend to increase), known to those who exercised 300 minutes a week on a regular basis in a year, experienced a weight loss of body fat. Not only that, they also berkurang.Ikut waist circumference reduction of body fat is important. This is because body fat becomes one of the factors of breast cancer and chronic diseases. Some previous studies also suggested lowering body fat helps prevent colon and endometrial cancers, diabetes, and diseases jantung.Sudah ready to challenge the 300 minutes a week? For added motivation, exercise with a friend or do a variety of sports in the fitness center.
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